
SPA with vanilla javascript

It is 2019 now and javascript (es2019) is much more powerful than in the old days.
The following article is encourages me to try and see what can be gone when you using only plain js:
For example - to display a list of GitHub users from previous post it is anough to use the native javascript "map" :

  .innerHTML = users.map(({login, count}) => `<li>${login} - <span>${count}</span></li>`).join(''); 
As result - the list with usernames and repos number will created on the page.
For completion of the picture we can add the "next" button that will display the next page:

 <button onClick="go()">next</button>
    <i id='currPage'></i>
 <ul id='container'>
The code for all this UI logic will be no more than 20 lines:

// getting data for page & displaying
function getPage(currentPage = -1) {
  // display loadign animation
  getData(currentPage * 10).then((users) => {
     // display the number of page 
     updatePage(currentPage + 1);
       .innerHTML = users.map(({login, count}) => `<li>${login} - <span>${count}</span></li>`).join(''); 
  return currentPage;

// display loading animation
function showLoader() {
  const img = '';
  document.querySelector('#container').innerHTML = img;

// displayes page number
function updatePage(page) {
  document.querySelector('#currPage').innerText = page;

// goes to nex page
function go() {
  page = getPage(page);

// getting page first time
page = getPage();
This is very minimalistic, but yet - kind of SPA!

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