
Hooks in React

What is this new React feature everybody is talking about?
Well, it seems the main problem it tries to solve is - how to use state inside functional components.
Functional... what?
Ok, lets start from the beginning:
Usually to build the component with React you should use the following syntax:

class HelloMessage extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        Hello {this.props.name}

It also called the class syntax
The Interesting thing is - this is not the only way. There is another way to create react component, it called functional :

function Example(props) {
   return  ( 
        Hello {this.props.name}

This way is much more simpler and clear and testable, because - it is just javascript function!
BUT! (There is always but) - one of the limitations of functional components is - that here you cannot use the "state" feature of React.
State - it is inner data of the component which is not accessible from the parent

class UserForm extends React.Component {
    this.state = {
      lastname: ''
  render() {
    return (
        username: <input value={this.state.username}/>  <br/>
        lastname:  <input value={this.state.lastname}/>

  <UserForm  />,

So now (from React 16.8 and later) you can use state feature event inside functional components (Yes You Can!)- by using following syntax:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

export default function Example() {
    const [userModel, setUserModel] = useState({username:'ss', lastname:'dd'});

    return (
        username: <input value={userModel.username}/>  <br/>
        lastname:  <input value={userModel.lastname}/>

Note that "setUserModel" is for modify the state:

<button onClick={()=>setUserModel({username: 'shlomo', lastname: 'shlomovitz'})}/>click</button>

Pretty Cool, huh?

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