
Array and Object And When to Use Each Of Them

Where are lot of articles about this exact subject around the web, but, since I feel this doesn't clear anought for me - I feel like write a post about...

Object(Old good javascript object)

Pretty common scenario - when you have list of objects came from API:

const users = [
  {id:'123', name: 'Moshe'},
  {id:'124', name: 'Vasia'},

and you need to access one of the objects by its 'id' - you can do it by searching through the array, like this:

const currentUser = users.find(({id}) => id === '123');

But, of course, if you have array with lot of users - it will be much quicker to access some certain user by id - if "users" were stored inside Object with following structure:

const users = {
  '123': {id:'123', name: 'Moshe'},
  '124': {id:'124', name: 'Vasia'},
const currentUser = users['123'];

BTW, for optimize your performance you can restructure the users collection from array to object using following code:

let optimizedUsers = users.reduce((acc, user) => {
  return {
    [user.id]: user  
}, {});
const currenttUser = optimizedUsers['123'];
console.log(currenttUser.name); // will print "Moshe" 

You just saw the scenario with advantage of using Object upon Array

Getting started with docker

It is very simple to get started usig docker. All you need to do-is download the docker desktop for your system Once you get docker syste...