loadPizzas$ = this.actions$.ofType(pizzaActions.LOAD_PIZZAS)
.pipe( // <=look here!!!
switchMap(() => {
return this.pizzaService
map(pizzas => new pizzaActions.LoadPizzasSuccess(pizzas)),
catchError(error => of(new pizzaActions.LoadPizzasFail(error)))
Since i respect Todd Motto very much i decided to look what this pipe thing is about:After pointing on "pipe" word and clicking "F12" key (in VSCode), that is what i got: So this pipe is rxjs one of methods which exists on Observable object, like for example toPromise or subscribe
So what is it doing?
According to Rxjs documentation :
pipe method сan be used to compose the operators in similar manner to what you're used to with dot-chaining (shown below).
Thas all - compose various operators, like "switchMap" ,"map" or "catchError" which currently (in Rxjs 5.5) could be used as standalone operators instead of methods on an observable(pipeable)
Thats IT