What is post CSS?
Is PostCSS one of Sass/Less kind things?
The one-word answer is: NO
In more than one word -
postCss it is lot of plugins under same parent node plugin clalled: postcss , which have same target - to do various things on CSS.
Which things for example?
First of all take a look on postCSS README at github page and then here to get the impression of kind of various plugin some good guys made for us... (writing this post I was inspired by this grate tutorial)
The challenge is to play a little with postCSS and use it in react-first-steps repo, from previous posts
To make use of variables mixins and sass like postcss-nested plugins
First you need to install all the plugins
npm i postcss-loader postcss-import postcss-mixins postcss-nested postcss-simple-vars --save-dev
to add postcss.config file to the project
var postCSSConfig = [
/* autoprefix for different browser vendors */
/* reset inherited rules */
reset: 'inherited' // reset only inherited rules
/* enable css @imports like Sass/Less */
/* enable mixins like Sass/Less */
mixins: require('./src/mixins')
/* enable nested css selectors like Sass/Less */
/* require global variables */
variables: function variables() {
return require('./src/variables')
unknown: function unknown(node, name, result) {
node.warn(result, 'Unknown variable ' + name)
/* PostCSS plugin for making calculations with math.js */
/* transform W3C CSS color function to more compatible CSS. */
// Export the PostCSS Config for usage in webpack
module.exports = postCSSConfig;
To update webpack.config file
test: /\.css$/,
include: srcPath,
loader: 'style!css?modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]&camelCase!postcss'
for view the full code look at this repo