
Angular2 and NgRx

My Challenge was to get little experience of working with ngrx .
What is NgRx?
NgRx is RxJS powered, inspired by Redux state management lib for Angular2.

Basic Philosophy

Like many state management frameworks like Redux - app skeleton must include following module types - Store, Actions and Reducers


simple class or object representing the application state

import postListReducer, * as fromPostList from './post-list';
import postReducer, * as fromPost from './post';

export interface AppState {
    posts: fromPostList.PostListState;
    post: fromPost.PostState;


function that passes type and params of what reducer should do

    static LOAD_POSTS = '[Post] Load Posts';
    loadPosts(): Action {        
        return {
            type: PostActions.LOAD_POSTS


Immutable function that returns new object containing changed current state returned

export default function (state = initialState, action: Action): PostListState {
    switch (action.type) {
        case PostActions.LOAD_POST_SUCCESS: {            
            return action.payload;


Since state actions are asynchronous - it is better to take advantage of using effects:

    @Effect() loadPosts$ = this.update$
        .switchMap(() => {            
            return this.svc.getAllSections();
        .map(posts => this.postActions.loadPostsSuccess(posts));

Refactoring our components

Now we can replace our logic inside components:
Instead of:

   this.loadHtml.getPost(params['id']).subscribe(post => {
        this.post = post;

We can now write:

   store.select('post').subscribe((post:Post) => {
     this.post = post;   

Much more accurate, is it?

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