What are Container Components?
There is rule for writing good & clear code - single responsibility.
Each code unit should depend as less as possible on other components (Should to care only about its own business in a human terms).
Thus it is good practice to separate code to self-containing units
Container Components are components which contains the logic of the component. Usually it contains in its markup one or more presentational components.
Presentational components are "dumb" components - they take care only about look of some part of data.
Here is searchbar component
//Search Bar
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import {Link} from 'react-router';
let ResultsList = ({results, loading}) => {
let createItem = function(repo, idx) {
return <li key={idx}><Link to={`/repo/${repo.owner.login}/${repo.name}`}>{repo.name}</Link></li>;
let list;
if(results && !loading) {
list = results.length==0 ? 'no items yet' : results.map(createItem);
} else {
list = <div className="loader">Loading...</div>;
return <ul className="results">{list}</ul>;
export default ResultsList;
This code better to be refactored into smaller sub (Presentational)components
import List from './List'
import Loading from './Loading'
import NoItems from './NoItems'
let ResultsList = ({results, loading}) => {
return (<div>
<Loading loading={loading}/>
<List results={results}/>
<NoItems results={results} loading={loading}/>
Here you can see that instead place logic and markup in the same place I made ResultsList to be Container which contains Loading List and NoItems presentational components
see code in this repo