
Shortened text directive - angularjs

 In this artricle we will try to create angularjs directive which  will display only first 10 characters of element text and link  that opens the whole text when user clicked on it.

Before clicking: 

After clicking: 

To simplify the example i'm using the code of angular phonecat tuttorial.
In the example we need to display the snippet  property of phone object

html markup:
Directive declaration:
/* app\js\directives.js */
var phonecatDirectives = angular.module('phonecatDirectives', []);
phonecatDirectives.directive('zippy', function () { 
    return {
      restrict: "E",
      replace: true,
      transclude: false,
      scope: { title:'@zippyTitle' },
      template: '
' , // The linking function will add behavior to the template link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var opened=true; scope.$watch('title',function(newVal, oldVal){ element.html(scope.title.substr(0,10)+' ...'); // Title element var title = angular.element(element.children()[0]), // Opened / closed state opened = true; // Clicking on title should open/close the zippy title.on('click', toggle); }) // Toggle the closed/opened state function toggle() { if(opened) element.text(scope.title) opened = !opened; //element.removeClass(opened ? 'closed' : 'opened'); //element.addClass(opened ? 'opened' : 'closed'); } } }; });

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