
Building A Dashboard Wiht Angular - Part3

Remember the dymanicComponent we started with?
Lets change it code so it will be able to display each of three widgets when a widget type passed as an "input" with its data:

import {Component, ViewContainerRef, ViewChild, Input, ComponentFactoryResolver} from '@angular/core';
import {VERSION} from '@angular/material';
import CompletedTasksComponent from './completed-tasks.component'; 
import EmailSubscriptionsComponent from './email-subscriptions.component';
import DailySalesComponent from './daily-sales.component'; 
  selector: 'dynamic-cmp',
  template: `<div>
     here some dynamic stuff should happen
     <div #dynamicComponentContainer></div>  
  entryComponents: [
export class DynamicComponent { 
  @ViewChild('dynamicComponentContainer', { read: ViewContainerRef }) dynamicComponentContainer: ViewContainerRef;
  constructor(private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {}
  @Input() set componentData(data: {component: any, data: any }) {
    if (!data) {
    let factory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(data.component);    
    this.componentRef = this.dynamicComponentContainer.createComponent(factory);
    this.componentRef.instance.data = data.data; // passing data to component through input


Now the component data and the component type passed to dymanicComponent as input:

    <mat-grid-list cols="3" rowHeight="1:1">
      <mat-grid-tile *ngFor="let data of componentData">
        <dynamic-cmp [componentData]="data"></dynamic-cmp>

Please see my first stackblitz embedd here:

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