Some times it is good practice to notify user that due to his actions (like sending the contact us form) some ajax request been sent and it is been processed.
If you not reckon with nprogress angular lib yet, this good opportunity to introduce it...
This library is angular implementation of nprogress jquery plugin, and its showing very nice loading bar on top of you application:
How to make it shown only if some ajax request made?
If you don't want to track any other requests like js and css files, only data requests to backend, it may be done by watching pendingRequests property of $http angular service: ($rootScope, $http, ngProgressFactory) {
$rootScope.progrs = ngProgressFactory.createInstance();
var progresstarted, progressbar = $rootScope.progrs;
$rootScope.$watch(function() {
var onlyJsonRequests = $http.pendingRequests.filter(function(r){return r.url.match(/json/g);});
return onlyJsonRequests.length;
}, function(n) {
if(n>0 && !progresstarted) {
progresstarted = true;
progressbar.setParent(document.getElementById('mainContainer')); //set a custom container, otherwise will be attached to "body"
} else if(n===0 && progresstarted) {
progresstarted = false;
Notice that progress bar will be shown only if requests with url property that contains /json/ are sent
Provider is Better
Currently we have a lot of logic inside our run section.
One thing that can make the code more accurate is to move the progress logic to provider recipy:
myApp.provider('progress', function($provide, $injector) {
this.setPattern = function(pattern) {
this.pattern = new RegExp(pattern,'g');
this.setContainer = function(container) {
this.container = container;
this.setColor = function(color) {
this.color = color;
//will fire when used in one of recipies like "controller" or "directive" or "run"
this.$get = function ($rootScope, $http, ngProgressFactory) {
var that = this;
$rootScope.progrs = ngProgressFactory.createInstance();
var progresstarted, progressbar = $rootScope.progrs;
$rootScope.$watch(function() {
var onlyJsonRequests = $http.pendingRequests.filter(function(r){
return r.url.match(that.pattern);
return onlyJsonRequests.length;
}, function(n) {
if(n>0 && !progresstarted) {
progresstarted = true;
} else if(n===0 && progresstarted) {
progresstarted = false;
return 'watching'
Now we can set all the custom settings inside config section:
myApp.config(function(progressProvider) {
Now inside our run section we can leave only progress injection: (progress) {
If you want to see the full code - look on this plnkr
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