
Make React Component Code Shorter

In previous posts we created SearchPage component

class SearchPage extends Component {
      constructor(props) {

      handleSearchTextChange(txt) {

      render() {
        const {results, loading} = this.props;
        return (
            <SearchBar onChange={this.handleSearchTextChange.bind(this)}/>
            <ResultsList results={results} loading={loading}/>

This code is working but, is there a way to make it more nicer and also more shorter?

The answer is "Yes"

First lets get rid of redundant "handleSearchTextChange" method:

class SearchPage extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
      handleSearchTextChange(txt) {
      render() {
        const {results, loading} = this.props;
        return (
          <div>//<-- instead of "this.handleSearchTextChange.bind(this)"
            <SearchBar onChange={ this.props.loadResults}/>
            <ResultsList results={results} loading={loading}/>

or, even more simplier, lets take advantage of ES6 destructing syntax:

class SearchPage extends Component {
      constructor(props) {

      render() {
        const {results, loading, loadResults} = this.props;//<--  loadResults method is one of the props too
        return (
            <SearchBar onChange={loadResults)}/>
            <ResultsList results={results} loading={loading}/>

React Trick

There is a way in react to write a component much shorter is it has no other methods except render :

let SearchPage = ({results, loading, loadResults}) => {  
  return (
      <SearchBar onChange={loadResults}/>
      <ResultsList results={results} loading={loading}/>

Thats all,far much shorter !

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