
React - Building Search App (Part 1)

Get Started

So, if you asking yourself how is it feels to program react - you may easily create your first react app withing seconds:

1. go to plunker
2. click on the down arrow in the green button on the top with caption "new"
3. select "react" or "react with addons" and yes, you have created your first react app!
Yes, it currently only says "Hellow World", but from this second no man can say you never programmed react...

Components are basic part of react

When building React app you must start from building components. So lets create our first component - searchPage

     var SearchPage = React.createClass({
      render: function() {
        return (
          <div>here will come search results...</div>
        <SearchPage />,
running code
Thats it - was not too complicate, right? If you want to get more of this stuff - follow the next part

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