
Using Angular2 Services

Remember we created flot component in previous posts?
Lets have a quick look on the code now:

export class App {  
  constructor() {
    //Look here - dont you feel something here is uuuugggglllyyyy?
    this.dataset = [{label: "line1",color:"blue",data:[
    [1, 130],
    [2, 40],
    [3, 80],
    [4, 160],
    [5, 159],
    [6, 370],
    [7, 330],
    [8, 350],
    [9, 370],
    [10, 400],
    [11, 330],
    [12, 350]

The way dataset property sat - is perfect example of hardcoding, and everybody knows that hardcoding is bad.
Since we dont have real server to get data from yet, at least lets move the data-getting logic to some different module, in other words -

Lets Create A Service

export var FlotEntries: Array[] = [
    [1, 130],
    [2, 40],
    [3, 80],
    [4, 160],
    [5, 159],
    [6, 370],
    [7, 330],
    [8, 350],
    [9, 370],
    [10, 400],
    [11, 330],
    [12, 350]

export class FlotService {
  getFlotEntries() {
    return FlotEntries;

This service doing only one thing - getting data for a plot chart.

Lets Use Our Service

Last thing that left - is to teach our main component how to use the service:
Note: Dont forget to list the service inside "poviders" property

//our root app component
import {Component} from 'angular2/core'
import {FlotCmp} from './flot';
import {FlotService} from './FlotService';

  selector: 'my-app',
  providers: [],
  template: `
      <flot  [options]="splineOptions" [dataset]="dataset" height="250px" width="100%"></flot>
  directives: [FlotCmp],
  providers: [FlotService]//important!!!
export class App {
  constructor(private _flotService:FlotService) {
    this.name = 'Angular2'
    this.splineOptions: any = {
            series: {
                lines: { show: true },
                points: {
                    radius: 3,
                    show: true
    this.dataset = [{label: "line1",color:"blue",data:this._flotService.getFlotEntries()]}];

Looks better isn't it?
Thats it, now you know how to create angular2 service.
Hope you have fun reading

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