
Cool Trick For Unit Testing The Angular Controller

Almost always when writing unit tests for controller we need somehow to handle the fact that controller calls to some service/factory.

Lets look at following controller:

        .controller('RegisterCtrl', function (
         $interval) {

            $scope.user = {};
            $scope.messages = [];

            var success = function(){
                    text:'Congratulations,You are registered user!'
            }, error =function(){
                   text:'error occurred during registration'

            $scope.save = function(){
                auth.register($scope.user).then(success, error);         


The controller uses "auth" service and its "register" method, which sending a request.
We can mock the request with $httpBackend service which test if request is sended.

it('after clicking "save" some request should be sent', function () {
  $httpBackend.expectPOST('/api/register').respond(200, {});

Since we trying now to test the logic of the controller (not the service)- I think better practice is to mock the  service method and only test if it been called with proper parameters:

it('after clicking "save" auth.register should call', function () {

    spyOn(auth, 'register').andReturn($q.when()); 

    $scope.$digest();   //important!!!


Notice that for testing the messages array you need 


statement for update the scope.

Hope you have fun reading...

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